Bugün sürüm yeniliyor 0.1.2.
Bu sürümde yeni özellikler, ama yorum ve Kullanıcılarımızdan gelen raporları konusunda daha sağlam kod tabanı sayesinde temsil yok.
Size ve her zaman olduğu gibi bu test çağrısı – bize geri bildirimde.
I have recently upgraded this new version and it is not working.
In the HTML source of webpage, I cannot see any Google/JQuery javascripts!
I have recently upgraded this new version and it is not working.
In the HTML source of webpage, I cannot see any Google/JQuery javascripts!
Lütfen yardım et.
We have created an FAQ page and I have added the standard answer to this question, basically try to explain what to check in this case.
A link to your site would have been very helpful.
Thank you for your first class support. With your patience and help, Transposh is now working perfectly.