大家好, 我們已經發布了這個小的更新,因為我們已經進入了第三個十年中,我們正在運行,並支持這個插件. 該道路並非一帆風順, 並支持免費,所以許多安裝任務從來都很簡單. 我們真的試圖要回的人誰聯繫我們使用我們的聯繫表格. 誰選擇支付支持人民真正得到更快的響應, 可以隨意嘗試這種.
如果我們在這十年, 很多事情已經改變. 現在有通過在線翻譯引擎支持更多的語言 (直接鏈接到我們支持更多的語言) 和翻譯,他們提供質量好一點. 雖然現在比仍然會導致荒謬和錯誤的翻譯. 這十年看到的服務提供了一個免費的API下降, 但我們能夠政變,仍然免費提供這些服務.
在遠過去我們走訪了VC試圖獲得一些資金用於此項目, 我們回顧一下VC是指出, 10 年 – 翻譯將是一個解決問題. 特定VC一直受到#metoo和翻譯仍然不是解決問題. 只能說明你預測未來是困難企業.
我們的插件最需要的功能, 我們甚至可能成為在下一個十年做的 (沒有優先順序):
1. 避免公司名稱的翻譯/品牌
2. 支持多域結構 (例如. es.transposh.org)
3. 翻譯的網址,其實工作
4. 對於AJAX和動態內容的變化更好的支持
我們會很高興收到你的來信, 下面只是評論.
你好, my website has 1000 articles, every time I upload an article I have to translate all of them? would it be possible to translate them individually?
No, why would you have to translate all of them?
你好. What could be the problem of stopping translations into another language when there are many articles (1600), with translation into 4 additional languages. The plugin works for some time, automatically translates pages when you go to them, and then stops making translations. Are there any limits? I don’t use additional API keys, except for Yandex, 測試, but when changing the key from Yandex, from another account, transfers do not start anyway.
Most engines impose limits on free translations, when translations fail the plugin will stop trying for 24 hours and than try again. You may try another engine, bing will probably work.
Thanks for the answer. But Bing also does not translate, to see everywhere the limits are exhausted. Maybe you know how long the limits of different translators are updated and part of the content can be translated again?
It really depends on your hosting provider, mainly if other services are using the same server or if that service allows bots to operate from it frequently. Normally the service returns after a few days, if you wish contact us via the form on our site with your site’s url and we’ll look into it.
Ciao, da sempre, il flag della lingua inglese, sia back-end che front-end, è sbagliato, perchè mostra la bandiera americana e non quella del Regno Unito, sarebbe possibile fornire il file grafico corretto?
You can change the flag in the constants.php from us to gb
Il widget non cambia…
I have been using this plugin for over 5 年, thank you for making it and thank you for continuing to support it. It has helped bring in a lot of visitors and is by far the best SEO boost one can get for their website.
I’m using select2 widget
[tpe widget="選擇2 / tpw_select2.php"]
but flags doesn’t show. I really wnt to use this plugin. Please help.
Make sure you have upgraded to the latest full version (version ends with an extra .1)
你好, Do you know how to translate the content of the ajax update? 謝謝. ^_^
It is hard work, need to analyze the ajax calls and fix them, see the examples in the code