我們很高興地發佈最新版本, 昨日公佈.
這版本全是關於郵件功能, 和人為翻譯的管理改進.
郵件功能將使管理員取得到現場製作的人工翻譯的通知, 在免費版本中,你將盡快為新的翻譯張貼得到一個消息. 在完整版你也必須允許消息緩衝選項 (所以你會得到一個消息後,用戶已經翻譯網站上的一些字符串). 您還可以接收到該網站取得了新的翻譯每日摘要選項. 您也可以選擇信息將被發送到地址, 讓它空白,為管理員的電子郵件.
這是此版本改進的另一個特點是後端的翻譯編輯器, 同時還不允許你真正在後台翻譯, 您現在可以通過使用添加的過濾功能,而目前的實際工作進行批量操作輕鬆管理翻譯. 🙂
我們期待聽到你的輸入, 我們希望你會喜歡這個新版本
now it sends to much e-mail how to stop that? it sends a mail on each translated string really annoying!
是的, apparently this is a bug, and a new version will be released soon to fix this. for the time being you may use the full version and buffer messages (and also ignore messages from verified userss/admins)
感謝你的工作! Your plugin is just amazing 🙂
Is it already compatible with wordpress 5?
Not fully tested yet, but I believe that most of the required changes have been committed to the codebase
I just put a fake email in the meantime 🙂
奧弗, ive noticed some of my sites, the French translations are not indexed by google? What would cause this? Some of them they appear.
I hope the fixed version will be released by the end of this week, and regarding Google, it should index, I don’t know why it won’t, the answers belong to the Google gods.