Данас смо издати верзију 0.1.2.
Нема нових могућности у овом издању, али он не представља ццврссцхих код базу захваљујући коментаре и извештаја наших корисника.
Апелујемо на вас да га тестирати и као и увек – да нам дају повратну информацију.
I have recently upgraded this new version and it is not working.
In the HTML source of webpage, I cannot see any Google/JQuery javascripts!
I have recently upgraded this new version and it is not working.
In the HTML source of webpage, I cannot see any Google/JQuery javascripts!
Плеасе хелп.
We have created an FAQ page and I have added the standard answer to this question, basically try to explain what to check in this case.
A link to your site would have been very helpful.
Thank you for your first class support. With your patience and help, Transposh is now working perfectly.