Ова верзија настала од неколико захтева од вишејезичних Блоггер (посебно би-лингуалс). Ова верзија омогућава указује на оригиналном језику за израз (осим подразумеваног) помоћу ХТМЛ ланг атрибут.
Став / фразу која су означена са другом језику од оригинала ће бити остављена нетакнута када циљани језик једнак језик означена, али ће бити преведен на другим језицима (чак и у подразумевани језик – када је таква подршка је омогућена).
На пример, следећи израз је писан на хебрејском и окружена педаљ са ланг = је атрибут, Ако сте читајући га на другом језику, моћи ћете да прочитате у том другом језику (Енглески укључено).
שלום לכם, Који језик да сте прочитали овог става?
Сада је могуће користити класе онли_тхислангуаге да обележи одређени став да се приказују само за читаоце у датом језику. Промене у понашању за ову верзију је да је сада, превести подразумевана опција верзија конфигурација ће бити употребљена само за регистроване подразумевано означени параграфима (и поруке, види ниже у вези са темом закрпе).
Патцх ће се обезбедити да се подразумевана тема (није одлучио да ли ћемо чекати до верзије 3 за УордПресс) који ће омогућити обележавање оригиналном језику одређене порука је, ми ћемо вас постед.
Hope you enjoy this version.
Здраво, i’d like to ask you about translation but no in DB, mean translation in caché like iTranslator or Global Translator but in local like transposh, i hope your answer :), Хвала.
You can use this plugin with wp-supercache to achieve a similar effect. Is there a special reason to do that?
да, when load since cache it is faster than MySQL, тако, for that reason my DB is too big and should be better with cache system (i have a dedicated server and MySQL performance is important), so i’d like to know if is possible do that (not for all pages like supercache, just for translate post), Хвала.
The short answer is no, the longer answer is that you can probably configure supercache to handle just the translated pages, this can be done by changing the htaccess rules that it defines to only handle the pages translated.
If you start that and hit a brick, I will try to assist. Међутим, I don’t think this will be done soon in the plugin scope. If you want to implement this, you are welcomed, but I think that this will mostly be a rewrite of features that already exist in wp-supercache.
Здраво, thank you for keeping updating this graet plugin.
just 1 suggestion if I may, I would like the possibility of styiling the plugin and keep the modified files ( the widget possibly) in a separate folder ( maybe the theme folder like many other plugins) this way it will not revert the changes we make when we have to update.
I know I can stile it via css and I’m doing it, but in the widget files there are tags that is necessary to remove if you want to see the unordered list inline and not vertically ordered. (that’s my case)
Another change was to make the text selectable including it in the tags but lost that too.
Updating we lose the changes we made and we have to make it every time to keep the aspect we want.
I know it is maybe a minor issue, thank you anyway for you great work 🙂
Hi luke,
The changeable widgets will come in future releases, you can also include a user styling for the css now, if you want, I can mail you when the feature is ready for testing so you can test and comment before release.
thanks for the feedback
thank you for your answer ofer, I have some good css skill and that would be much apreciated.
to answer your question, yes, I ‘d like to help you with testing the feature and sending back my feedback about it if you need.
I’m waiting for it.
(and sorry for my bad english 🙂 )
I’m unable to enable plugin :/
Упозорење: рекуире_онце(core/constants.php) [фунцтион.рекуире-једном]: фаилед то опен стреам: No such file or directory in /home/httpd/gkm.lv/wp-content/plugins/transposh-translation-filter-for-wordpress/transposh.php on line 36
Deleted folder from plugin directory, pasted the 0.5.2 directory, activated and I’m back on horse with all the previous settings and translations. Great plugin!
The latest version has a conflict with all versions of wordpress where it causes the sidebars to not to be visible and inactivates other widgets in the wordpress administration interface. I had to deactivate it so my wordpress would work correctly.
We are unaware of such issue, and there are plenty of working installations (including wordpress 3 бета) so a screenshot would be appreciated
Is there a way to set up a URL Rewrite like fr.test.com/post-name, that means to represent the country code as a subdomain?
Is it possible to translate the post names within the url?
As I understand the plugin stores the translated pages in the wpdb. Can I influence the time intervals in which the pages are retranslated and re-stored? (could be interesting if the translation engines will be working more accurate in the future)
Is it possible to say for example: After 50 calls the plugin is taking a new translation or after a year there is a new translation? Wouldt be nice if I could decide this post by post. For instance i wouldt like to set a specific post to -> no more new translation, keep the old translation.
It is nice to have the possibility to edit the translation in the Frontend, but I would appreciate a easy handling in the backend too. Something like http://wpml.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/translation_controls.jpg would be great.
Thank you for your attention.
Regarding the first feature, of the language in the subdomain, we didn’t get to it yet, but nothing prevents us from doing it so I guess it will be in some future version (you are welcomed to contribute).
Regarding url translation, this is being worked on and will probably be out in a few days.
Regarding auto translation intervals, поново, not yet, but is a nice idea and will be added in the future.
Translation in the backend is another good idea 🙂 will come in time, although this is not a top priority yet as we seek to improve the frontend interface first.
Thank you for your comments.
nice to hear about the url translation. Would be great if you could handle the subdomain feature in this release too. Sure i would like to contribute, but i don’t know to much about programming things.
Do you plan to update http://trac.transposh.org/roadmap ? It is always nice to see development in action. Maybe you should link to your delvelopment zone in your main navigation, because actually it is hard to find for developers and for users that like to give some feedback.
Kind Regards
I have question, how to add the translation page into sitemap?
Recently im using XML Sitemap Generator for WordPress By Arne Brachhold.
Please search for earlier posts here regarding a patch
Find. она. How about super cache? are they already patched?
currently im deactivate supercache.
Supercache needs no patch, the support is built in the plugin.
Кобна грешка: Не могу редецларе филе_гет_хтмл() (previously declared in /home/sempajac/public_html/wp-content/plugins/transposh-translation-filter-for-wordpress/core/shd/simple_html_dom.php:39) in /home/sempajac/public_html/wp-content/plugins/free-cdn/simple_html_dom.php on line 41
Its happen when i use Free CDN plugin. Any solution?
The solution is simple, either remove the include from our plugin or from the other plugin, I’d assume both plugins will work with the change
If i remove from transposh, is it trouble for transposh?
If you refer to the “по Транспосх” линк. the rules are written quite clearly in the code there and are not very limiting or imposing (so I hope), I’ll only ask you if you would allow anyone to use your work without credit.
not the credit link but expression of
file_get_html() on simple_html_dom.php on line 41
is it ok?
да, sure, you can remove this – but I am not sure it will solve the problem
Any idea when we can expect to see a version that works with WordPress 3? Obviously you’ll be waiting for them to release, but it would sure help if we could run something on, say, WP3b2.
Хелло тхере,
I have checked up to beta 1, if there are errors with beta 2 I’ll get to it, свакако – what happened when you tried? any issues?
Извињавам се, not good. Before I set up this site on WP and WPMU 2.9.x and BP 1.2.x and everything was translated; the article, the posts, all other content on the page, the plugins text, the menu items, everything. But now WP has changed its structure and menuing system, I fear there are some quite serious issues to be resolved. Погледај http://virtualcrowds.org/zh/ and you will see how only parts of the page/plugins/menus have been translated. Its a real shame because its a great plugin and does (did) exactly what I wanted it to… 8^(
This has nothing to do with transposh, and very little with wordpress, this new theme has a bug which prevents the translation, you can see this if you look at your javascript console.
Try switching to a different theme, and it will probably improve, I also guess those bugs will go away as they’ll approach rc.
Very strange. I changed the theme back to the default BP theme and the result is the same. Only the two previously translated documents (one page and one post), show up in the languages, oh, and one menu item for the About page. I will experiment a little further but, not being a developer, I am not sure what the problem is that I am seeing here.
Take a look at this and I think you will see what I mean. http://virtualcrowds.com/zh/ <– (com, not org). That site is on the same server, running 2.9.2 but exactly the same BP theme and Transposh translates everything.
У реду, I’ve reverted the site back to WP2.9.2 and using exactly the same theme/plugins you will see that Transposh works exactly as I described. Seems to me that its not the theme but something to do with the way Transposh works (or doesn’t) with WP3.0b2, which of course, by the time we get round to RCs, may well be sorted.
Maybe they changed jQuery version, I’ll check it out more thoroughly soon, please keep us posted on any progress you make 🙂