Nová verzia obsahuje dve hlavné funkcie. Prvým z nich je možnosť triediť jazykov na widget, Teraz môžete dať svoj predvolený jazyk prvý alebo pohybovať okolo jazyky v žiadnom prípade sa vám páči. Ikony sa zdalo, že vám v prípade, že jazyk je podporovaná Bing a Google, a ak sa jazyk je písomná forma sprava doľava. Môžete tiež prepínať medzi pôvodný názov jazyka a jeho anglické meno, tak porozumení, ktoré jazyku je, ktorá sa stane dokonca schválené.
Taktiež sme presťahovali niektoré súbory sa okolo a umožnila ajax vstupu súbor, toto robí náhradníka post nastavenia nadbytočné (Dúfame, že sa, dajte nám vedieť, ak nájdete chyby) a robí veci všeobecne pohotovejší. Ak ste zvyknutí na niečo rozopínajúci novú verziu cez starú, Teraz je bezpečné zmazať všetky súbory, ktoré nie sú v adresároch sub- (Uložiť na transposh.php) kruci, sme dokonca odporúčajú, aby…
Niektoré ďalšie zaujímavé funkcie sú naplánované na budúci vydanie, a ak chcete, aby informovala. Sledujte naše rozechvění stream…
I just installed your plugin and I’d like to say THANK YOU!! It’s really useful, easy to use, no time consuming and customizable to correct wrong automatic translations. I found something I think it’s not working well. There are places in which I can not correct translations. The orange/green symbols appears but when I click on them the light-window is not coming up. napríklad: everything works well in the main window of my blog ( but not when I get into any of the post. I hope it’s solver in the next version!
Thanks and Happy New Year!
Hello Richard,
Vďaka za komplimenty, the problem seems that jquery is being loaded twice on the inner pages, which may cause a conflict. This is either caused by a plugin or a theme, try to find jquery lines in the source and comment them. I’d appreciate that you reply here and inform others on where the conflict was.
Happy new decade to you too.
You’re right. It’s something to do with my theme because when I switch to the default WP theme it’s solved. I’m not very good in programming, so while I wait it’s solved in further versions of this plugin or my theme, I can work just changing to the default theme while I’m reviewing the automatic translation.
I do have a suggestion for further versions, in case you considerer it interesting and it’s technically possible. I write my blog in Spanish, my mother language, and started using Transposh plugin to translate it into English, French and Portuguese. I can speak some English, so I’m correcting the automatic translation and it’s here where I found some problems.
The plugin split each sentence in different blocks and allow you to modify each bock. However it’s not often enough for a correct translation since many times you need to change sentence order to get a natural translation. This is why I think it would be more interesting, if possible, that each sentence wasn’t split and you could modify the sentence translation as a whole.
I totally agree with you, and I have been working on such a solution for quite a lot of time (on and off) and this problem is quite complex. The idea is to create an interface which will allow you to combine phrases to sentences, however there have been more issues than I originally hoped for. It will get there, but will take some time.
You can track the progress on the ticket here: