یہ نیا ورژن سب سے زیادہ مقبول ورڈپریس پلگ ان دونوں کے ساتھ integrations فراہم کرتا ہے. The first, گوگل - ایکس ایم ایل سائیٹ گائیڈ - ایک گوگل اور گوگل ویب ماسٹر ٹولز کے استعمال کے لیے sitemaps پیدا کرنے راستہ فراہم کرتا ہے, مجموعی ترجمہ کے صفحات کے لئے sitemaps اضافی یو آر ایل میں ایک یو آر ایل کے لئے پیدا. اس کے مجموعی ایک سادہ سا پیچ کی ضرورت ہے کہ اصل پر کارکردگی کا مظاہرہ کرنے پلگ ان ہو, کس طرح کے سوالات میں پڑھیں, یا ہمیں patched فائل حاصل کرنے کے لئے رابطہ کریں. ہمیں امید ہے کہ گوگل - ایکس ایم ایل sitemaps کے مستقبل کے ورژن ابتدائی طور پر یہ پیچ میں شامل ہوں گے.
دوسری یکجہتی کے ساتھ ہے ورڈپریس - سپر کیش - جو ورڈپریس کے لیے ایک کیش نظام فراہم کرتا ہے, اس پلگ ان کے دل کے بیہوش کے لئے نہیں ہے اور اپنی مرضی کے مطابق کے لئے مسائل کے راستے پر تبادلہ میں ایک مضبوط کیش نظام فراہم کرتا ہے, تنصیب بہت مشکل ہے اور مجموعی بھی) زیادہ سخت ہے. البتہ, اس کے مجموعی فراہم کرتا ہے اس صارف کو ایک سادہ سا تبدیل کر جو ترجمہ پر کیش صفحہ حرکت حذف کی پلگ ان, کئی بار ہونے سے اور صارفین کی جانب سے ترجمے سے روکتی غیر ترجمہ شدہ مواد دیکھنے کے لیے (اور خودکار ترجمہ کی صورت میں, بار بار ترجمہ).
اگر آپ مزید پلگ ان آپ کے مجموعی کے ساتھ کرنا چاہتے, اور تم پر اس کے خیالات کیا ہے کس طرح (اور شاید کچھ کوڈ), بس یہاں ایک نوٹ چھوڑ. And yes – خوش نئے ہم سب کو دہائی!
اپ ڈیٹ 2010/1/3 – ایسا لگتا ہے کہ وہاں پیچ کی ہدایات کے ساتھ ایک غلطی تھی, نئی ہدایات اس سائٹ پر اپ ڈیٹ معلومات عامہ کے حصے ہیں (شکریہ myatus). پیچ سے براہ راست بھی ہو سکتا ہے اس لنک سے ڈاؤن لوڈ : سائٹ کا نقشہ - کور 322 patched -
Happy New Year!! I just went thru the FAQ, but I can’t find the How to for the sitemaps, can someone help me here?
I found the FAQ in WP, but still can’t make it work. Can someone send me the patch to my email? Thank you so much 🙂
ہائے, sent it to you in email, hope it works fine 🙂 (ہمیں بتائیں)
Same here actually, using 3.2.2 of Google XML Sitemap, added the code just before $this AddElement($page) but nada. Is this where it is supposed to go?
nope کیا, exactly one line after… just sent you the patch, but for reference, this is how the function should look:
function AddUrl($loc, $lastMod = 0, $changeFreq = "monthly", $priority = 0.5) {
//Strip out the last modification time if activated
if($this->GetOption('in_lastmod')===false) $lastMod = 0;
$page = new GoogleSitemapGeneratorPage($loc, $priority, $changeFreq, $lastMod);
Awesome, it works now.
In the FAQ (as well as the transposh.php source code) you have it listed as do_action(‘sm_addurl’, $loc, &$page) — remove the $loc portion and it works OK.
NB: The priority in the sitemap for the translated pages are always 0%. Do you think this will incur a “penalty” with search engines?
Thanks for the notice, I’ll fix the comment and the FAQ. That’s what you get when copy pasting without looking.
Regarding the priority, I am currently reducing the page priority by 0.2 (You can see in the code) Could have opted for other options such as doing nothing, multiplying by 0.8 or using a minimum of 0.1 کے بجائے 0.
I don’t know why google should penalize such pages, although it might, if you stumble upon any resource claiming this, It will be a breeze to change.
I need the patch, you can send it to my email? please, thanks very much
On the way…
Unable to display the site in version 0.4
the source of the site appears. How do I solve this problem.
کسی وجہ سے, your server sends the mime-type of the pages as application/x-javascript
This will cause the source to view.
I fail to see any reason that the plugin will change this, کبھی,
My guess is that something else is wrong. with first look at other plugins, and second look at the .htaccess files
I would also suggest trying the previous version,
Let me know if there’s anything else I can do
ہیلو تمام,
I would like to see the integration of one plugin that is capable of inject/hook codes, it will worth more than patching files by hand, and when you update a plugin and forgot to patch again? And all the work you will need to do all again?
I think that would be better to just make transposh available with all the plugins that it have integrated together… میرا مطلب ہے, Transposh and the whole plugins together in just one pack… But all need to appear in the same panel as Transposh, like Tabs.
One other request is, well, I dont like the way Transposh make available to anyone modify the translation without any restriction, if one bad person go and modify something to SPAM or for Pishing, it would be hard to the Admin of the site fix all it, mainly because the Admin dont know all the languages available, تو, I just think it is better to make this tool as a “sugested” translation, the sugested translation will appear in the dashboard and one Admin will check it.
Regarding the patch to other plugins, I wrote the plugin programmer and sent him the patch, I don’t think that bundling other plugins is the right solution. اگر آپ چاہتے ہیں, feel free to comment on my message and request the patch to be included, you can do this یہاں.
With regards to the second point, I can say two things, the first – you can disable anonymous translation and only allow people you know. اور دوسری, they can deface the translation but cannot spam or phish because they can’t change the links.
I hope that in the future we’ll be able to introduce a better system to do that.
Thanks a lot for your hard work! I really apreciate this.
About the second point, I think I bypassed this because it was not too obvious, maybe a better explanation and organization of the interface will make it more obvious!!
For the integrations, well, if bundling things together is not the solution, at least you could make Extra Tabs in the configuration page and put a switch to enable or disable the integration? And could you make more visible in the interface about what plugins Transporsh can be integrated?
ایک بار پھر شکریہ.
تبصرے کے لئے شکریہ (all of them). Just one point with regards to the integration, if the other plugin exists and is not patched, the integration will just not happen, there’s no problem here and no need to turn this off. I can make the configuration complicated only up to a certain point, over that point it will be confusing and senseless.
I would like to request a blocklist of bad words for all languages, this blocklist would be used in the case a person use the “edit translation” and in case the person try to put bad words, تو, the block list will block them to dont put bad words in the text. I just think it is a good idea. سو, you will need a dictionary for all the languages, or at least the most used languages.
One other thing that would be good is a spell checker, to be used in a text before and after a translation, because there maybe appear some strange or malformed translation because a wrong word.
WRT the first option, I am not sure how helpful this is, you can use ordinary words taken out of context and use them for worse, so although it might be trivial to add, the value of this feature will be timid.
Regarding spell checking, first – spell checkers in the browser should work on the input field as they normally do, and also – if you know any multilingual online spell checker that we might add, let us know and we’ll definitely take a look!
دوبارہ, I want to thank you! Your plugin is really a good piece of work!!
ٹھیک ہے, about the bad words, you are right, but having the option to block some words to be posted put some extra protection to the site, and less effort to the site admin. And, مثال کے طور پر, in case if you have a blocklist, anyone that simple try to put bad words, will be blocked, and the admin will not need to worry about moderate these. بھی, there is a lot of blocklist for bad words available on the net, and simple could be used in Transposh, with the option of be enabled or not. It is just a tought, but, why you dont test this feature in a real environment, so you can see how util is this function, تو, later you can choose on keep this feature, or remove.
About the spellcheker, well, there is a lot of dictionary on the web. My idea about the implementation of this is to use the spellchecker automatically to “catch” where on all posts are text inconsistency. It is to be used for mass post edition!! I dont want to, مثال کے طور پر, re-edit all my old posts to check if there are any wrong word, تو, if these wrong words be translated, it will give me problems, and for any wrong word generated by the engine translation? How I will manage some thousands of wrong words?
I just forgot to say, but I loved this plugin too much, thank you very much for developers of this plugin.
And I have another request… sometimes a word is simple not translated by google translator, so what about if Transporsh detect the words that are not translated and just try to use another translation engine?
Thanks for the compliments and the suggestions, this one is indeed nice, but the right place to make suggestions is our trac. Where you could see that this was already written (today) یہاں.
ٹھیک ہے,
Sorry of pollute your post here, but I was just eager to show that I liked the plugin, and would like to see new features in it, so I ended up not paying attention if what I was doing was correct.
But, it is nice that someone thought the same idea.
ہیلو تمام,
Just another request, I am having problem with some words being translated, like names of places, name of people, and some other words that dont need to be translated, تو, I suggest the implementation of a “dont translate list”.
Just wrap what you want with the no_translate class as mentioned in the FAQ
It works for words that are part of the theme template?
I come to say that I got a problem with Transporsh. I dont know how it happened, but I got a fatal error because a recursive call. I broke wordpress2.9.1 in file widgets.php in the line 924. For more informations, I would like to talk in private.