sprostitev Današnji transposh plugin vključuje novo nadzorno ploščo za plugin. Ta novi nadzorni plošči ponuja boljše uporabnosti in statističnih podatkov za plugin. Vključeni so tudi funkcijo, ki vam omogoča, da prevesti privzeti jezik, pa tudi. To je dobro za primer pišete svoj blog na več kot enem jeziku, ali bralci pustijo komentar v več jezikih. I would like to thank Db0 za kar kaže to novo funkcijo.
Eden od izboljšano uporabnost funkcije te sprostitve je, da je nadzor stran zdaj vsebuje povezavo predlagati nove funkcije (ali poročilo bugs) zato vas prosimo, da jo uporabljajo!
Works like a charm however there are two concerns with this method. Since it now automatically starts translating every page, even those written in the default language, it may increase the load on the server and the DB. Drugi, it creates even more opportunity for vandalism and spammination as someone can easily deface your main pages. The second is my largest concern.
Živjo. Hitro vprašanje. I suppose Transposh cannot be used on google blogs, like mine ?
Živjo. The Quick answer, še ni – but quite soon, I’ll mail you when its ready for testing if you want.
Absolutely, that’d be excellent. Hvala.
prvi, thank you for this great plugin!
i have some problems. I can only see the “Uredi prevod” box, when i “Omogoči prevod privzeti jezik”. It doesent matter which previleges i give. And this enables me, only to translate the default language.
Without this setting, i just see the flags.
If the html umlauts are coded like ä for ä as example, the plugin is in trouble.
Hi again,
the problem seems to be the Arthemia theme. i tryd in in another theme, there the edit box apperas.
Still the problem with the umlauts
Ofer Hi.
I want to change the flag for english from US to GB.
I worked out how to do it in the code on the constants.php
I changed line;
$languages = array(“v” => “Angleščina,us,1”,
$languages = array(“v” => “Angleščina,gb,1”,
This works fine but obviously it reverts back to US after an upgrade.
I think it would be nice to be able to change it in the gui if at all possible.
Hvala lepa.