The next version, , ki prihaja konec naslednjega tedna bodo vključevale podporo za css sprites za zastavo widget. To so prednosti glede hitrosti in števila prošenj na spletni strežnik. Koda je že prisotna na tej strani in mi bi bil zelo vesel, da ste nam o vseh vprašanjih, naletite na strani odjemalca (nestandardnih brskalnikih – IE6, etc).
Vsakdo, ki želijo, da kodo za spin, je več kot dobrodošel, da nas kontaktirate, da se pre-izpust kodo.
why you still use img tag in links? better will be style as inline-block without useless blank image. maybe with abbreviation of language name in hidden .
and organize flags to a block instead of the line should be better for human eyes 😎
i want try your pre-release. can you send me this one?
(sorry for < >)
why you still use img tag in links? better will be style <a> as inline-block without useless blank image. maybe with abbreviation of language name in hidden <doba>.
and organize flags to a block instead of the line should be better for human eyes 😎
i want try your pre-release. can you send me this one?
(oprostite, brez oznake now)
why you still use img tag in links? bolje bo stil kot inline-block brez neuporabna prazno image. Mogoče z okrajšavo jezika imena v skritih span.
and organize flags to a block instead of the line should be better for human eyes 😎
i want try your pre-release. can you send me this one?