Denne versjonen var lenge i å gjøre, ingenting for fancy her, feilrettinger for wordpress 4.7 og opp, flere språk lagt (117!)
Andre kompatibilitetsrettinger og vanlige ting.
Dette tok måten lenger enn nødvendig fordi vi måtte bytte miljøet fra den gamle og trofaste svn til den nye og lovende git. Som har virkelig rotet med denne utgivelsen. Håper at vi slipper nye versjoner med en kortere tidsramme.
Nyt denne versjonen.
Så flott å ha en ny utgave!!
Many thanks
Takk for flott arbeid.
Edit translation not working for me 🙁
Når jeg gjør Rediger oversettelse klikker jeg på verifisere oversettelse, men ingenting skjer…
What can I do ?
Jeg vil sitere fra vår FAQ:
I can’t see the translation interface after pressing the icons on the edit page
Dette er mest sannsynlig forårsaket av en jQueryUI konflikt, vennligst sjekk at ingen andre versjon av jQueryUI er inkludert ved temaet eller annen plugin,
Du kan også prøve å bruke jQueryUI overstyring avansert parameter (1.8.24 er en god del)
Hi there,
¿Cómo podria modificar el parametro JQueryUI override?
This parameter may be changed in the advanced tab, normally to 1.8.24 which tends to work
Er denne versjonen php7 kompatibel?
is it work on php 5.6?
Hei! Thank you fro this great plugin.
When I try to edit a translation I can’t see de google or bing icon.
What I am doing bad?
Takk skal du ha
If you see the tabs but not the icons, this might be because of adblocking. Otherwise it might happen if constants.php was altered into a non-supported language.
Hi transposh break the ajax add to cart button on Woocommerce.
I not 100% sure but i have a error who seem to block ajax call.
Hei, loading transposh to footer fix it.
this is proven. I use this plugin. I will tell my friends on facebook
Maybe tell WordPress bout the latest version.
The Plugin “Transposh WordPress Translation” appears to be abandoned (updated 27 desember 2014, tested to WP 4.1.21).
I have Version installed
You are absolutely correct, fixed this now.
Your plugin it’s really fantastic, the best i find, but i can’t understand exactly what you want.
In Donate page :
you say you won’t money but if we don’t want your logo on widget you say you’ll :
“replace upto 5% of your advertising space and affiliation links with its own referral code”
How can we control that ?
Are you an hacker ?
I think, if you are honest, the best way is to make your plugin ok for, then we can trust you, and accept donation or ask money for more option.
And you’ll be the number one translation plugin!
I don’t want your money, nor can I hack your site with code which is totally visible to you. If you question my honesty, please use an alternate solution. I can also safely assume you won’t be donating to this plugin development, nor were you planning on doing this.
Lykke til.
Thank you for this plugin ! Looks promising on the pictures and videos.
By my side, it is not working.
I am actually trying it on a test server. WordPress reseted. Same problems :
– Første, pages are not translated, even while setting them to draft then publish again. I see the progress bar but nothing happens. Nothing is translated in front end while it says 20 pages translated in the dashboard.
– Then, edit icons never show up when I tick the edit box. I tried here on your website and it is working, the problem should not be from my browser. But I don’t get it. No any icons.
I use :
* wordpress 4.9.4
* wordpress twentyfifteen theme
* buddypress
* suiteplugins – advanced xprofile fields for buddypress
* buddypress members only
Any ideas on what is blocking my transposh ?
Please try the new version. Let us know where you stand.
Hei der,
I did all the translations from front-end of my site in Arabic. Currently my site is only in English which I translated to its second version as Arabic using Transposh.
Now the link is like this:
Normal English version:
Arabic Version:
I want to make the ” /ar ” version as default. So I made Arabic as Default in Languages section of Transposh but from the front-end, its giving me english version, not arabic.
Now what I did, is that, I made a redirection on my domain to “/ar”. This works perfect but while browsing through the different sections of my site from front-end, sometimes the link automatically changes back to the english version.
I’m puzzled now, can you please suggest me the desired settings for this purpose so that only my translated version shows up on front-end, I don’t want english version at all.
Takk skal du ha!
Default language is not the language the site will be displayed at, it is the language that most of your site’s content is written in. Changing this is not currently a feature we support.
Its great.
Imidlertid – Whz it is free? Are there Hidden Scripts? Just asking?
Nothing is hidden, you can see all the sources on
How can I make specific post support specific language other than all language selected in Transposh Language.
Also is it possible to remove a specific language from a single post only, not site-wide?
At this point in time, there is no such feature
Works in php 5.3?
When I translate my posts with Transposh, the results are different from translating in Google Translate (I use google translate engine). Which sometimes results in bad translations. Why is this happening? Kan du hjelpe?
Transposh sends smaller segments to Google, so if you want better results you may change parsing rules in the advanced tab. But this makes translation less flexible