Ngayon kami ay inilabas na bersyon 0.7.3 na nagdaragdag ng suporta para sa shortcodes sa loob ng wordpress post, ito ay maaaring gamitin upang gawin ang ilang mga neat bagay-bagay at kung saan namin nilikha ang video sa itaas, kaya kung mayroon kang limang minuto libre at walang mas mahusay na gawin, panoorin lamang ang video. Kung hindi man ay makikilala namin ang pagbabasa ng dokumentasyon sa
Ang ilan pang mga bug fix ay idinagdag sa release na ito, pangunahing pagbabawas ng load (at duplikasyon) na bots ay maaaring lumikha sa i-edit ang mga pahina, at puksain ang mga hindi pa napawalang-bisa na mga file para sa bots.
Tangkilikin ang version na ito!
After a load of problems with WPML, I have discovered transposh, and I love it. I use it for , a few bugs are remaining in the widget, and some options are missing ( like the ability to reset the translation for 1 language only )
it is very nice to see an update, even if we developped some specific shortcode ( to be able to show a different youtube link and video depending on the current language ), so just keep the good work.
Hello Fabrice,
Please suggest any feature you want and share your bugs with us in our trac site (
I didn’t get the problem with the shortcode, do they collide in some way?
Totally retarded to have a translator break down a paragraph by “,”‘s. If the other language uses a different sentence structure then things are messed up. I need a translation tool that lets me put in different language text from a real translator, I like the overall way it translates and that Google can be a fall back but I need a way to cut and paste whole paragraphs or pages in different languages not a wise-ass one that assumes every language will have the same commas and punctuation!
Retarded are us, wanted to thank you for this useful comment,
you can change the parser.php so that breaking would be done in a way more suitable to you. Feel free to share your code with us later.
good to know, indeed, it is sometimes not very convenient to have the parser of the ‘,’
maybe it would be a nice option to add in the settings
There is also a problem with transposh breaking up translations on the point in numbers like 2.0 – makes a nonsense of anything using phrase ‘web 2.0’ at iba pa – could you distinguish a decimal number from a full stop by its context?
This will only happen if the dot is written in html escaped code. 2.0 is safe enough, the break happens on numbers
Just made a simple extension to know the current language in a post or page. You can use a [lang] shortcode for this.
You have to add this short snippet to your themes’ function.php.
//Transposh integration
function get_curr_transposh_lang() {
$lang = transposh_utils::get_language_from_url($_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’], get_option(‘home’) );
if ($lang != “”) $lang .= “/”;
return $lang;
add_shortcode(‘lang’, ‘get_curr_transposh_lang’);
Transposh is a great plugin! Credits to the authors!
Is there any way when you are on a translated page, when clicking a link that sends to another page in my site, instead of sending you to the translated version of the page, to send you to the original. This would really help me. Thank you in advance.
Oo, wrap the link with the no_translate class
Is there a way to select this in Transposh and make this happen all the time. It would be a lot easier. Salamat.
Hindi, as this would probably not be expected behavior for most users, you can however make changes to the url rewriting function (or disable it in the parser)
How do I make Transposh ignore this character: ‘
I made it work for ” but can find a line of code to prevent it form breaking a paragraph when ‘ appears.
Check that that character does not appear as a html symbol in your page source
If I have a static page as my home page with no widgets enabled on it, how can i still offer my visitors the option to choose their preferred language?
Just add static links to the translated pages on this page
Hi, this morning I installed Transposh, and I am very impressed. There is just one problem: The automatic translation is very slooooooow. There are around 1000 posts and 7000 comments in my blog. Just to translate them all from German to English will probably take until Christmas. Isn’t there any way to make it faster?
Hello po doon,
It is slow because you probably don’t want to overuse the translation service which might result in temporary or permanent interruptions of service, you can always hasten things up by going to pages on your site in the new language as a user, you will see that translation happens quite fast.
Good luck
Pati, I understand – though I hoped to make the entire content of my blog available to the English speaking public (and to the search engines 😉 ). OK, nevertheless, your plugin is the best translation tool I know.
There is another problem: I’ve just tried to update to WordPress 3.1.2., and this failed. The system tells me it couldn’t copy the file /wp-content/languages/ As I saw, this file is set 644, and the system refuses changing it. Is it possible that this problem has to do with the Transposh plugin? (For it is the first time ever an update fails; the problem concerns a language file, and the only major change since the last update was that I installed Transposh.)
Can’t see any relation, and I have upgraded several sites, Gayunman – you can always remove transposh, update again and reinstall it.
If you find anything there that is related to Transposh directly I’ll be happy to hear that.
Good luck
Thank you for the quick response. If I do as you say, do I lose the translations already made (some of them have already been edited)?
The translations are stored in a table which is not removed by uninstalling, Gayunman – backing up is always a good policy
The shortcodes are are a fantastic addion to the plugin, but I am seeing two issues with them:
1) They don’t seem to work in excerpts. My auto-generated excerpts are blank, and the manually created ones do not abide the shortcode rules (ie. all the languages are displayed regardless of “only”/”not_in”)
2) There appears to be an issue when you have a rule that relates to the default language. So for example, my default is English, plus I have Italian and French.
[tp not_in="Fr"]Hello[/tp] [tp lang="Fr" only="y"]Bonjour[/tp]
This works as expected in French (“Bonjour”) and Italian (“Hello”), but in English (default language), I get both “Hello” at “Bonjour” displayed…
I am on WP 3.1.2.
I have tried multiple themes, de-acticating/re-activating.
Please advise.
Hello Alain,
Regarding number 1, could be, will have to check this,
Number 2, do you have translate default language enabled?
Sorry about the late response.
Is there any chance you can show us how to change the parser so that it does not include commas (,) into its strings ?
This is really the only issue i’m facing with this great plugin. This would trigger a donation right away (not that i’m trying to bribe anyone… But then why not as it’s really crucial for my website !).
Hello, just remove the comma from the last line of the function is_sentence_breaker in parser.php. Remember that it might cause old translations to be invalidated. Din, read my opinion on donations before rushing to donate (not that I am not to be bribed)
Good luck
The parser tweak worked like a charm. IT makes it a lot easier to do manual translations of text strings.
I just have one last question to make the plugin work exactly like i want. Is there a way to display different images in different languages ?
In french, there’s a saying : “chaque travail mérite salaire”. I’ll let you use this great plugin to have it translated 😉
When there is a will, there is away, you can always generate the link to the picture with code and use the transposh_plugin current language in this generation, many have tried, most of them successfully.
“generate a link to the picture with code” ?
I’m sorry but i can’t find a way to understand this properly. Arent all links to images in code ?
I meant PHP code, when you make sure you output the lang as a part of the image name, most such changes are normally done at the template level, so instead of img src=”something” you let the something be something + the current language
Good luck
Three suggestions:
It would be helpful if one could choose whether to edit parts of a sentence (as is the case now), or a sentence, or a whole paragraph. At present, it is not possible to change the order of sentences or parts of it. As different languages often differ in the usual syntax, this is often necessary, or at least helpful, and leads to more elegant results.
I would like to edit the puctuation marks between the parts zu be edited.
Try to include the PROMT Translator. For certain language pairs (f.e German-English, German-French, German-Russian, Promt is much stronger than Bing or Google.
Agree to 1 at 2, this is work in progress and is proving quite hard to achieve, will be done in the future
3. the PROMT translator does not have a usable ajax interface, although work by proxy is possible, I am not sure how useful it will be because of the limited extent of the language pair selection, if more people will require this, we’ll put more focus on that.
thanks for the suggestions, will be happy to hear more
like another version 0,74 work like charm
Thx for this best plugin
bellissimo plugin!
Però ho un problema
come fare per:
-NON tradurre le due CATEGORIE principali del sito
-NON tradurre i titoli dei POST
Grazie per la risposta.
If you don’t want post titles translated, just wrap the the_title function in the template with a no_translate class.
regarding categories, you can use the appropriate shortcode on posts in the category.
Grazie, per la velocità!
e scusami, ma sono autodidatta (cioè non ci capisco nulla!!)
…però succede che:
Se avvolgo il titolo così
[tp no_translate="y"]titolo post[/tp]
poi rimane tutta la scritta nell’elenco dei post pubblicati (non mi piace!)
Per la categoria se faccio questo
[tp no_translate="y"]nome categoria[/tp]
rimane tutta la scritta come link!
Dove sbaglio?
uso WordPress 3.0.5.
e Transposh Versione 0.7.4…..
scusa se insisto: ma ho provato in tutti i modi!!!
Non riesco proprio a evitare la traduzione dei:
– titoli dei posts
– titoli dei widgets
– categorie principali
Ho installato la versione 0.7.3 per usare gli shortcode, ma probabilmente sbaglio ad inserirli.
Ho anche provato a ripetere passo passo quello che fai nel video: ma a me succede che il titolo del post viene comunque tradotto.
Grazie per la disponibilità.
try titles of posts
span class= no_translate ||| Titles||||| span
Ciao Bob, grazie per il tuo interesse ma anche con il tuo code non succede nulla:
Per esempio se lo immetto nel titolo del widget, risulta visibile tutta la scritta del code e inoltre il titolo viene comunque tradotto.
Gli shortcode funzionano solo all’interno dei posts!
Grazie per la disponiblità…
Hello Cristina,
The shortcode will not work on the post title (a wordpress limitation), your best bet is to change the template code and wrap titles in no_translate. you can also insert said spans into titles by manually manipulating the database.
I would like to know what is the use case for this exactly to see if changes are required to the design in some way.
Good luck
I am trying to display a different youtube video in a post based on the language being viewed.
[tp lang="es" only="y"]The Spanish See This Video[/tp]
[tp lang="de" only="y"]The Germans See This Video[/tp]
[tp not_in="es,de" no_translate="y"]Everyone else see’s the default Video[/tp]
The almost works but it seems like a bug with the first two lines. Those lines are also always displayed when the default language is being viewed, even if the default language is not Spanish or German. It works correctly once the user goes to different languages but at least according to the documentation those first two lines should only be see by users viewing Spanish and German?? Suggestions? Ver .74
Hello Greg,
You need to enable translation of the default language, otherwise the page is not processed by the parser, causing the effect you see
I confirm the same problem, but enabling the translation of the default language, let anyone be able to translate the english, and from my experience it was a nightmare as some translator translated the english ( main language ) to their own language.
why it behaves like this ? any workaround ?
Enabling translate of default language should not enable translation of the main language, rather parts that are differently marked, you can see on this site that it is enabled, and yet, you can probably not translate much on the default language.
it is good for:
translating comments on default language
multiple language posts
different content on this language
some other neat stuff
Gayunman, it is not enabled by default to save resources and avoid unneeded parsing.
A rare case in which the problem you mention might happen is when one uses a template which marks the default language as different than what it really is.
I found a workaround by writing some line of code in php :
$tp_lang = $GLOBALS[my_transposh_plugin]->target_language;
extract(shortcode_atts(array(‘arg’ => ‘default’), $atts));
if (isset($atts[‘only’])) {
$only = explode(',’, $atts[‘only’]);
if (in_array($tp_lang, $only)) {
return do_shortcode($content);
} else if (isset($atts[‘not’])) {
$not = explode(',’, $atts[‘not’]);
if (!in_array($tp_lang, $not)) {
return do_shortcode($content);
don’t ask me to comment, I didn’t write it 🙂
THx Ofer I can’t really explain very well to Cristina
she need to operate the modification directly in the source code template
also i cannot post the real code due the limit comment form
sorry for that
Send me the code and I will pass it to her, just contact using the contact form above and I’ll get back to you, thanks for trying to assist there 😉
Grazie Bob! aspetto il codice 😉
Helo ofer,
How do I do this? I have to exclude one whole category from the translation. I would like to do this in the template and not in every single post.
Best regards
You need to add a code to the template checking for a certain category, this is not something I can provide from the back of my head, but it will be something like
if cat =="something" echo class="no_translate"
in the correct place in accordance to your themeGood luck
Salamat sa iyo ofer,
I didn’t realise I just need a different css-class. With this knowledge it is quite easy for me to rig the template.
Thank you very much again!
I have around 25 custom sidebars on my site (for different categories) and need multiple widgets, or a short code, to display your widget in each custom sidebar.Will you have multi-widget support anytime soon?
This is now supported in 0.8.0