What do the colors of the translation icons mean?
- Red – no translation was done
- Yellow – translation was done by a robot
- Green – translation was done by human (or approved by one)
How can I prevent certain text from being translated?
“, for example:<span class="no_translate"> This text is not translated </span>
You may also use the following shortcode when appropriate:
[tp no_translate="y"] This text is also not translated [/tp]
The code HTML tag will also prevent translation:
<code> $this_code_won't_be_translated </code>
How to mark a post with a language other than the default?
Update: more recent versions of the plugin simply allow you to set the post language with a select box that appears below the post
I have a translation for a full post, can I use it instead of phrase by phrase?
Wrap the current text with the code:
[tp not_in="es"]Hello, World[/tp]
Add the new text at the bottom wrapped in the following code:
[tp lang="es" only="y"]Hola, Mundo[/tp]
Is it possible to use different images in different languages in my themes?
as part of the image descriptor, this will load different images based on the current language. Alternatively, in places where shortcodes are supported you can use the mylang
shortcode as in the following example:
<img src="[tp mylang="y" lang="he,es"][/tp].png" title="transposh logo" width="300" height="86" />
I want to translate the title tag (or any other meta tag)
I am using a shortcode to disable viewing of text in my default language, but it still displays
I have enable translate in default language, yet I can't see the option to translate on my default language page
Administration / Installation
What do the colors in the administrative interface represent?
- Green – this language is active and all users will see it
- Yellow – only users with translation capability can see this language (this is disabled once anonymous translation is available)
- Blank – language won’t appear on widgets
What is the dragging of languages used for?
What are the benefits in enabling anonymous translation?
I installed the plugin and nothing happened
Please be reminded of the following “rules of thumb”
- A language marked as viewable will have its flag shown inside the widget.
- A language marked for editing will allow a translator (anyone marked in the ‘who can translate’ section) to manually edit the page. i.e. the translate check-box will appear in the widget.
- Enabling automatic translation will automatically translate a page (without requiring entering edit mode) for anyone viewing the page regardless of the their role. However it will only take place for languages marked as editable.
Also – please take extra care to validate your html, adding extra tags that are unclosed in the template may lead to our parser breaking. Use the w3c validator service for more details. If everything is set up correctly and still nothing happens, please contact us.
I installed the plugin and nothing happened - themes related
How to restore a backup
Do you know about any Transposh friendly hosting providers?
I have the latest version but I can't select the flags widget
Version 0.9.3 – Where did my flags go?
My target language does not appear on the list of languages
I am using the flag interface and would like to change the flag used for some language
For example, to change the flag for the English language from the stars and stripes to the Union jack find the following line
'en' => 'English,English,us,en_US',
And change it to:
'en' => 'English,English,gb,en_US',
Note that this works out of the box only in the non css version of the widget, to make this work in the css version you will have to modify the image used.
How can I add the plugin interface without using the sidebar widget?
<?php if(function_exists("transposh_widget")) { transposh_widget(); }?>
If you want to use a widget style other than the default style and title, you can use something like:
<?php if(function_exists("transposh_widget")) { transposh_widget(array(), array('title' => 'Translation', 'widget_file' => 'flags/tpw_flags.php')); }?>
The widget file is actually the location of the widget source file in the widgets sub directory, you can see all the possible options in our development site. Some intereting options include 'flags/tpw_flags_css.php'
and 'select2/tpw_select2.php'
. You may also check all the current options in our widget gallery.
If you want to make sure that the external .js and .css are being included, please make sure to add the ext_call param like:
<?php if(function_exists("transposh_widget")) { transposh_widget(array(), array('title' => 'Translation', 'widget_file' => 'flags/tpw_flags.php'),true); }?>
I want to obtain the current language setting in my code/theme
Since version 0.8.4 you may use the following global function:transposh_get_current_language();
I want my own css image with less flags
Known issues
I get the following error (syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR)
I get blank pages when visiting translated pages
The plugin is too slow/consumes too many resources/my hosting provider wants to kill me/page speed results are low
- We strongly recommend using a local memory caching plugin, such as APC. Using this php extension will dramatically reduce the load on your mysql server.
- We also recommend installing a wordpress caching plugin such as WP-Super-Cache
If you can’t do any of this, a better hosting service is recommended, we don’t link to any here because nobody has offered us any payment yet 😉
The interface looks messed up
css flags have issues on IE6 for my users
My theme is using cufon for fonts and translations gets messed up
I am using the URL translation feature and some pages return 404 - page not found
Fixing that error can be done by either disabling the feature, or working on the database directly to eliminate the duplication. In the future we will fix the back URL resolution to become more predictable.
please see our plugin compatibility matrix on our development wiki, feel free to contribute to it.
Plugin support: php speedy
Users of php speedy will have to deactivate it, add “transposh.js” in the ignore list, click on “Test configuration” then reactivate it.
Plugin support: Google-Sitemaps-XML
do_action('sm_addurl', $page);
We hope that future versions will include this by default, and for now you can get the patched file from our site.
After a change of languages used, you are welcomed to trigger a new sitemap buildup.
Update 27/3/12: Please note that version 4 beta supports Transposh by default, no need to do anything.
Plugin support: WP-Super-Cache
No translation happens
- Check that the transposh.js is being included in your html
- Check that there is no old version of jQuery.js being included by your theme
- Check your browser’s javascript console for any errors
- Try fixing the database in Transposh’s settings
- Try to disable the progress bar (might help if there is a jQueryUI conflict)
- Try using the translate all button in the settings page
Translation stops in mid-page
- Check that your html passes w3c verification
- Make sure no hidden characters sneaked in (such as UTF+0003), this sometimes happens when pasting from word
I can't see the translation interface after pressing the icons on the edit page
You may also try to use the jQueryUI override advanced parameter (1.8.24 is a good number)