See versioon on üks suurimaid muutusi oleme seni tehtud. Tahaksime detail mõningaid muudatusi siin:
Uued funktsioonid selles versioonis
- Admin külg masintõlget ametikohtade pärast kirjastamine – See funktsioon võimaldab postitused tõlkida võimalikult kiiresti, nii toidab ja otsingumootorid näed tõlgitud versioonid
- Uus meetodeid postitad, saite – võimaldab rohkem mitmekülgsust juhtudel probleeme esinenud
On veel mõned veaparandused (loe muutus samamoodi) kuid veelgi tähtsam on see versioon on suuremate ümberkorralduste arhitektuuri (üle 3,000 jooned diff), rohkem rõhku tarkvaratehnika kavad. Näiteks, Kogu koodi mida nüüd objektid (mis loodetavasti vähendab nimeruumi küsimusi teiste pluginate) ja võimalused on viidud ühte asukohta. Ootame mõned konarlikke servi siin, nii lihtsalt teavitada meid ja see on fikseeritud asap.
Looks nice and I think it’s quite faster now as well so I’m going to give it a try and see if I get any heavy performance issues on my shared hosting. Translation is still difficult because of the way transposh chooses to split paragraphs though. It would be nice to vaata see or at least this implemented soon.
Sellest hoolimata, hea töö!
php if(function_exists(”transposh_widget”)) { transposh_widget(massiivi()); }
code dont work with 0.3.5
Please use the following code:
This bug will be fixed in the upcoming version, thanks for reporting
how can use in
php if(function_exists(”transposh_widget”)) { transposh_widget(massiivi()); }
You can still use the function_exists bit, this bug will be fixed in the coming version, anyhow you can use for now:
php if(function_exists(”transposh_widget”)) { $GLOBALS['my_transposh_plugin']->widget->transposh_widget(array()); }
This work-around doesn’t work for me:
Saatuslik viga: Call to a member function transposh_widget() on a non-object in /home/eroti20/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/thesis-openhook/functions.php(880) : eval()’d code on line 27
The transposh function get’s called from my Thesis theme, previous version worked OK.
Thanks for investigating.
Changing the transposh_widget function ( as suggested by Ofer ) kuni:
function transposh_widget($args = array()) {
and calling transposh_widget(massiivi()); from my template
still results in an error:
Saatuslik viga: Call to a member function transposh_widget() on a non-object in /home/eroti20/public_html/wp/wp-content/plugins/transposh-translation-filter-for-wordpress/transposh_widget.php on line 258
Thanks to Ofer for guiding me on the following change:
function transposh_widget($args = array()) {
This function transposh_widget can be found at the end of transposh_widget.php
The code used in my template still is:
if(function_exists(”transposh_widget”)) { transposh_widget(array()); }
Thanks for a wonderfull plug-in, now I only need to find the time for manually editing the translations ( at least to German, French and Dutch )
i don’t know if its supposed to be like this but i have two languages in rtl (hebrew and arabic) and one in ltr (engilsh) in my site, and it doesn’t know how to use or ignore the rtl.css file of the theme.
what was the intend solusion?
tänama, asafir.
The ‘Try alternate posting methods’ works as expected!
Thank you for your feedbacks 🙂
Pretty url’s dont work when using function transposh_widget from the template.
Seems like its working on your site, I fail to see any connection
Because I reverted to 0.3.4 … 🙂
how long it takes for search engines to index translated pages?
i`m using this plugin since 3 days ago and nothing yet.
my normal posts are indexed in 5 min after publising but this translated pages are not until now.
i must do something,or how to have translated pages in google,yahoo?
pls excuse my english