Efter 16 Års drift og mere end to år uden en ny udgivelse, Vores plugin stødte på en udbredt udfordring kendt som kodekød. Dette problem opstår, når funktionaliteten forringes over tid - selv uden ændringer i pluginens kode - på grund af eksterne faktorer. Nye WordPress -udgivelser, Opdaterede PHP -versioner, og skift i oversættelsestjenester kan forstyrre omhyggeligt designede funktioner.
I version, Vi har taklet disse udfordringer, med et primært fokus på oversættelsesmotorerne. Vi fjernede forældede kode og introducerede nye implementeringer for at gendanne support til Yandex og Baidu Translation Services, som var stoppet med at arbejde i de senere år. Disse opdateringer sikrer, at oversættelsesfunktionerne er fuldt ud operationelle igen. Derudover, Vi har udvidet sprogstøtte til at omfatte nye sprog tilføjet til disse oversættelsestjenester over tid.
Denne udgivelse afspejler vores dedikation til at holde plugin pålidelig og effektiv, Tilpasning til det udviklende landskab af teknologier og tjenester.

Vi har introduceret en ny widget, der bruger Standard Flag Emojis, som er blevet indarbejdet i emoji -sættet gennem årene. Denne opdatering forenkler widgetens kode markant, Mens jeg også gør det muligt for let tilpasning af flagene til at imødekomme dine specifikke behov.
Du kan tjekke denne nye widget i aktion på vores side, Hvor vi har tilføjet et smart CSS -trick, der gør det aktuelle sprogikon dobbelt så stort som de andre, opnået med netop de følgende to kodelinjer!.transposh_flags{font-size:22px}
.tr_active{font-size:44px; float:left}
Vi håber du nyder denne nye version!
How to translate your meta title and description with transposh!
After some “vibe coding” as they say (people who don’t know how to code but still code with AI) I figured out in a creative way how to translate the meta title and description when using transposh.
As an SEO marketing guy that was something that really bothered me. Translated sites, with English results in google.
So how did I do it.
First I added this php snippet (created by Grok 3)
That translated the meta title for me.
I called it Meta Title and Descritpion in WP Snippet:
add_filter(‘rank_math/frontend/title’, funktion($titel) {
global $my_transposh_plugin;
// Controleer of Transposh actief is
hvis (!Isset($my_transposh_plugin) || !is_object($my_transposh_plugin)) {
return $title;
// Haal de huidige taal op
$lang = transposh_get_current_language();
// Vertaal alleen als de taal niet de standaardtaal is
hvis ($lang && !$my_transposh_plugin->options->is_default_language($lang)) {
// Gebruik fetch_translation om de title te vertalen
list(, $translated_title) = $my_transposh_plugin->database->fetch_translation($titel, $lang);
hvis ($translated_title) {
$title = $translated_title;
return $title;
add_filter(‘rank_math/frontend/description’, funktion($beskrivelse) {
global $my_transposh_plugin;
// Controleer of Transposh actief is
hvis (!Isset($my_transposh_plugin) || !is_object($my_transposh_plugin)) {
return $description;
// Haal de huidige taal op
$lang = transposh_get_current_language();
// Vertaal alleen als de taal niet de standaardtaal is
hvis ($lang && !$my_transposh_plugin->options->is_default_language($lang)) {
// Gebruik fetch_translation om de description te vertalen
list(, $translated_description) = $my_transposh_plugin->database->fetch_translation($beskrivelse, $lang);
hvis ($translated_description) {
$description = $translated_description;
return $description;
– After this snippet > The Title was translated, but not the description. After further vibing and reaching a dead-end with Grok i figured that basically the transposh plugin was fetching the translation from the database multiple times.
So i told Grok, hey if we add the meta title and description in the footer (hidden) as text.
And Transposh translates it, if we than pull the description from the database that transposh manages for us wouldn’t it be translated?
And Grok3 confirmed and gave me this snippet (after giving me a compliment for thinking outside the box)
// Voeg de meta title en description toe aan de footer, alleen als de description is ingevuld
add_action(‘wp_footer’, funktion() {
global $post;
hvis (is_singular() && $post) {
$meta_title = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘rank_math_title’, sandt);
$meta_description = get_post_meta($post->ID, ‘rank_math_description’, sandt);
// Controleer of de meta description is ingevuld
hvis (!empty($meta_description)) {
// Standaard meta title als deze leeg is
hvis (empty($meta_title)) {
$meta_title = get_the_title($post->ID);
document.addEventListener(‘DOMContentLoaded’, funktion() {
var metaElement = document.getElementById(‘transposh-meta’);
hvis (metaElement) {
var translatedText = metaElement.innerText || metaElement.textContent;
// Splits de tekst weer op in title en description (na vertaling)
var parts = translatedText.split(‘ | ‘);
var translatedDesc = parts[1] || translatedText; // Gebruik description na de |, anders hele tekst
var metaTag = document.querySelector(‘meta[name=”beskrivelse”]’);
hvis (metaTag) {
metaTag.setAttribute(‘content’, translatedDesc);
} andet {
var newMeta = document.createElement(‘meta’);
newMeta.name = ‘description’;
newMeta.content = translatedDesc;
Just note, that I was using Rankmath as my SEO plugin, This maybe will work with Yoast? Or Other plugins, but I am sure if you feed this entire comment to an AI tool of your choice it could fix the correct fields for Yoast and others.
Happy Translating guys and thank you for picking up the support of this plugin after so many years 🙂
One of my top 3 secret weapons for sure!
Sorry I forgot to mention something.
// Voeg de meta title en description toe aan de footer, alleen als de description is ingevuld
If you’d translate this to english it says Add the meta title and description to the footer only if the description is filled in.
The reason why only if it’s filled in is the same reason why I figured this footer trick would work.
If I had a unique meta description for my pages, that was not on the website. It was not translated.
But when I didn’t add a translation at all, and kept it empty, it will pull the top words of the page. So when I only added the first snippet above, it was only translating the title, because the title is also written on the page. but the meta description was unique and nowhere seen on the website.
That’s basically how I figured out if we add an invisible meta description in the footer > we can translate meta titles and descriptions with that first snippet above.
So you need both snippets for it to work.
Or only the first if you never fill in your descriptions anyways. don’t bother.
When I save post, It shows this error:
Advarsel: Undefined array key “b” in \wp-content\plugins\transposh-translation-filter-for-wordpress\core\constants.php on line 1702
I solved it by changing this code on line 1702
hvis ($langrec[‘engines’][$motor]) {
hvis (Isset($langrec[‘engines’][$motor])) {
Tak for at rapportere dette, fastsat i https://github.com/oferwald/transposh/commit/70f1a6bafc72a0358b42ada8a576a9f02b5ed136