I dag har vi frigivet v0.5.0 hvilket er en forholdsvis stor ændring af plugin, fordi den giver to funktioner, der blev anmodet om af mange.
Den første er optagelse af en backup service inden for plugin. Du kan vælge mellem enten manuelt sikkerhedskopiere, har backup gjort for dig dagligt eller tillade backup ske live. Backup er kun gjort for human oversættelse, og i live backup mode, plugin blot sender den nye oversættelse til backup service.
Denne sikkerhedskopi service kører på toppen af google AppEngine infrastruktur, så dets ret hurtigt og skalerbar.
Det andet indslag er massen oversætte facilitet, nu indgår i Transposh indstillingerne side. Du kan blot klikke på “Oversæt alle nu” knappen, og hver side og indlæg vil blive oversat til dig, langsomt, men sikkert. Bemærk, at oversættelsen er udført på klientsiden, og ikke server side og med tilstrækkelig ventetid, så der er ingen frygt for din server misbruger automatisk oversættelse service.
De næste udgaver til 0.6.0 version vil fokusere mere på brugerens (Translator) erfaring og flersproget blog wrtiting integrationer.
Dine ideer er altid velkommen, bare kommentar her eller gå til trac.transposh.org.
Hej, we are using the plugin on our site and are very happy on the results. However we would like to offer our visitors the opportunity to translate and view the site in Scots language and wondering if this is possible and what is the difficulty in adding the extra language?
Any help/feedback is most appreciated. Thanks for the great plugin 🙂
You just need to add a single line to the languages array in the constants file, held og lykke
Thanks for the info and sorry for the late reply.
I’ll give it a go and let you know how I got on. Tak igen, still an excellent plugin 😉
Very good 🙂 One more function, can You add into titles, some identifers of languages… i dont know… because in google webmastertools showing this message:
Missing title tags 0
Duplicate title tags 1,139
Long title tags 0
Short title tags 0
Non-informative title tags 0
Duplicate title tags is small problem, but problem 🙂
Can administrator reply to my comment? 🙂
Title tags and meta tags are also translated, although don’t have the frontend interface, this is being worked on. For nu – a quick way to get this fixed is to put the text you use in the titles anywhere in a post (even a private one) and let the translation engine fix this.
Held og lykke
Everything is working fine with the latest version (v.5).
May I suggest translator for Urdu and Punjabi ? I have respondents in Pakistan and they have requested those. Most in Pakistan as well as some in India speak these two languages.
Tak; holde op det gode arbejde!