Hvad var spørgsmålet? Enhver?
Måske – Er denne version understøtter oversættelse fra haitianske? Ja
Måske – Kan Bing oversætte bruges til at generere auto oversætte? Ja
Måske – Har du er færdig med optimeringer og reduceret script størrelse til 1.5k når gzip (med ekstra funktionalitet)? Ja
Vi håber du vil nyde denne ene lige så meget som vi gør.
Thank you for this release!
Hej tilbyde,
I just posted some news about my experience with this new version in Trac. Take a look when you can…
Thanks for this release, it is working fine here [there still have some small problems, but it is OK], and I am considering a donation to you when I get my site incomes…
i don’t know why, but the flags are all mest up in version 0.42…
the hebrew has a flag of some other nation,
and the israeli flag is beside the language kreyol ayisyen, for some reason…
The css and flags files have changed, a reload of the page with shift+f5 should probably do the trick. Let me know if it works and I’ll make sure it won’t happen in future versions
The new Haitian does not work on my site. All other that I have installed do work. Nogen forslag?
You must have a key for the MSN translator (see link in settings page) the auto translation for this will only work with this key (the key is what appears after
, in your case it is1zIKzHh6jAQfUK_X5HQC7d2WCkcfGVAV
)Tak, Ofer. I added the key and it translates to the Haitian language . HOWEVER, I have a Featured Area in the center of the Home page, a javascript utility that cycles 3 pictures. Nu, that doesn’t work except in English (standard). It displays only a white box in ANY translated language although before adding the Haitian all of them worked! Any clues?
Ja, you are totally correct, seems like the async loading broke some tricky compatibility issues loose.
I have prepared a fix, and its in the svn, I have mailed you what should be a working patch and I hope it will be fine.
If anyone else is having such problems, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for this useful plugin. I use it and I think there is a problem I meet on RSS feed when we use it with Rewrite URLs.
Hvad er problemet?
Problem solved about the RSS feed, but I still can’t use it becausi of memory exhausted. Maybe it’s related to server memory limitation.
I have to disable Transposh because it doesn’t work well with Pretty Links plugin.
It makes a bunch of 404 links by adding country code to the Pretty Links. Ex: mydomain.com/my-short-link become mydomain.com/en/my-short-link.
Now i have 1200+ not found pages in my Google Webmaster Tools.
Pls help.
Please send a direct link to that plugin, also – in the meanwhile you can try disabling permalinks so that the translated pages will use a param such as lang=en
A temp fix i found to above problem is by adding www before my domain names, and in case www exists already remove it.
This way transposh doesnt break the short links created by Pretty Links