New version is here!
Please upgrade! Please, Please upgrade! Please with some sugar on top.
Why you should upgrade?
- This version fixes the Google proxy support, which means that the automated Google Translation will work again.
- This version updates the database format, which means wordpress 4.2 is supported, and you are expected to save ~40% of the current table size
- We finally have an initial version of a backend translation editor, it will show you the strings real people have translated and allow you to quickly review and delete those.
How should you upgrade?
With some luck, you have the option to simply upgrade in your wordpress dashboard. It is recommended that you backup, as there’s no way back after the database upgrade has completed.
Any quirks, issues, problems – the contact us form is your friend.
What is that SuperProxy and why should you enable this?
SuperProxy is our new “Get rich quick” scheme. hmm…
Actually, we are using the end nodes to allow companies and individuals to have distributed access to the web. We will be paying for this traffic, so if you bought a hosting service and you have tons of data transfer you are not using, we will really appreciate that you enable this feature, it will support us and will probably be worth your while. We will publish more details about this as they become available.
And – to the rest of the changelog:
- Woo integration fixes
- Ditch the base64 encoding and reduce size of translatable pages
- Widget fixes makes flags show correctly when wrong box sizing was used
- Removal of front end progress bar, it was rarely seen or used and caused more trouble than it was worth
- 3 new languages supported by bing
- locale shortcode en_US
- avoid translation of non text/json content fixes issues with some download addon plugins
- Support the placeholder attribute, thanks Mark Serellis
- Some support to the business directory plugin
So – Enjoy this version, and don’t be a stranger, let us know how it works for you.
Yet another great release of plugin upgrade.
Really happy to see upgrade. Transposh is really valuable plugin for wordpress users. Thank you Author!!!