This version adds the new ten languages Google translate has recently added. The release focused on fighting the warnings and bugs that have crept into Transposh in the last year.
One may ask himself, if the software hasn’t changed, how comes bugs have crept in? The answer to that is simple, the software does not exist in a vacuum, things change all the time, new versions of PHP added strict warnings which disturbed some users, there were new releases for wordpress and other software component, as well as changed to the almighty Google translate engine. Those changes created situations that current code was not able to handle, but we wish this new version will be a bit more capable of doing.
Other new stuff includes Yoast SEO sitemaps integration (You need to patch it, instructions are in our code).
A small feature to remove useless auto translations (where the Translations were equal to the original strings, which happens when some sites got blocked by Google)
more stuff, the readme.txt file is your friend.
Hoping to get things more up to speed and rolling 🙂
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