Version 0.9.5 was released not too long ago, and the full version was released as well. You may ask yourself, I am looking for updates in my wordpress dashboard and I don’t see anything, how comes?
This is the exact reason 0.9.5 came to life, there was a critical bug related to a change made in the upgrade api by wordpress 3.8 which made transposh block all updates (including its own) from the dashboard.
So, what to do?
In order to upgrade to the latest full version, there are a few options:
- disable the current Transposh plugin, check for updates, update to version 0.9.5 from, activate the plugin, mark “allow update to the full version” and update again
- delete your current version of the plugin and install the version from and follow the update procedure
- manually download the latest version and just replace the files on your server.
We are truly sorry about this inconvenience
What else is new?
More languages were added to the Google engine, changing the total number to 82 supported languages!
What about 0.9.4?
It was a lovely version, fixed issues with the Google proxy support, we should have written a full post about it too, so 0.9.4, please accept our apology 😉
Enjoy the new version, and don’t hesitate to inform us about any issues
1 does not work for me. I am stuck on 9.5 and no flags.
If I delete the plug in as in 2 will I lose my custom translations?
I do not understand how to replace the files on my server. Please explain
1. Check if your hosting provider is blocking access for some reason, but generally this works
2. If you’ll delete the plugin you should not lose any translations, as those are stored inside your wordpress database,
3. Replacing the files on your server may be done via sftp, or any other method the hosting provider has given you, explaining this is outside of this answer scope
Why don’t you just include transposh in the main repo instead of all this crazy steps-to-install crap everytime a new wordpress version is released?
Read the post title goodbye, the “crazy” steps are not there for every new wordpress version, but it happens, if I had to choose I would take it completely out of the main repository due to that incident,
Since 0.9.4 i have an issue with my RSS feed. Uppercases in xml tags are removed. Then my feed is not valid any more in the W3 validator.
For exemple the tag lastBuildDate becomes lastbuilddate. As soon as i disable the plugin all comes back to “normal”
Again a big thank to that amazing job that you made (and make) with that plugin !
In case of someone have the same issue, i used the tip in the ticket #220 where i excluded /feed/ folder to be scanned by transposh. I found back my uppercases 😉
I can’t find the option “allow update to the full version”, where is this?
If you are using the version downloaded from, it is on the top of the settings page, if you are using the full version, this won’t appear.