You might notice there was no announcement about 0.2.5. The reason for that was quite simple as the first regression bug was discovered before we were able to post the announcement. Those two version aimed to fix some problem with url replacements happening with different language and we hope that 0.2.6 will nail that. We would like to thank all of those who reported bugs and helped with testing. And we hope we’ll have less and less of those quick fix releases in the future.
ഉന്നത. I left a message the other day, asking if this feature was available on blogger. I was told people were working on it, and it could come out quite soon. I would be told by email. Ten days later, I’d like to know what the prospects look like.
Delayed a bit because of the recent bugs and upgrade to wordpress 2.8, but working on that, I guess still a few days a way. Sorry about the delays.