This version adds a very nice feature, which we hope positions it even better when compared to alternative solutions. This is the ability to perform a search in the translated language on the translated pages. So now your translated content becomes much more available to your users.
We also dramatically improved the RSS feeds support in this version, and now links in the RSS properly link to the correct language. We would like to thank datapharmer for his help with this. We would also like to note, for all the users requesting google sitemaps integration, that RSS feeds are a good source for sitemaps on the google site, so you can add your new rss feeds and comment feeds and google might have better visibility.
Last small fix, we now also translate submit type buttons (good for the search form).
താങ്കൾക്ക് ഈ പതിപ്പിലേക്ക് പ്രതീക്ഷിക്കുന്നു – if anything is broken, just comment here, and please – use a mail we can reply to, otherwise we are unable to get back to you, which is a shame…
Ideas, bugs, praises are always welcomed.