
Vakar mums ir izlaiduši versija 0.6.7. Šī versija ietver dažus nelieli labojumi, gan spēju tulkot vairāk frāzēm, ja google neatrod avota valoda pareizi, un spējai iekļaut tiešas saites uz statisku failu (kas radīs 301 novirzīt notikt).
Tomēr to, kas ir vairāk svarīgi ir tas, ka mēs beidzot spējuši tīrīšana mūsu atskaites, un noteikt rīkiem pilnu kustību nākamās galvenās versijas Transposh – kas būs 0.7. Šīs versijas galvenā uzmanība tiks būtisku uzlabojumu, lai tulkotājs priekšpusē interfeisu, un mēs esam prasības attiecībā uz šo tiešsaistes mūsu attīstības vietnē http://trac.transposh.org/wiki/milestones/0.7. Ikvienam, kas vēlas ietekmēt nākamā versija ir atbalstāms, lai rediģētu un komentārus par šo Wiki lapu, vai izveidot biļeti mums. Mēs izskatīsim katru pieprasījumu un mēģina fit to grafiku.
Par dažiem citiem jaunumiem, mēs vēlētos pateikties Colnect'ā, mūsu jauno sponsoru par ieguldījumu jaunu VPS par Transposh kas, cerams, padarīs vietā iet mazliet ātrāk. Mēs arī esam mēģinājuši izmantot cloudflare, lai uzlabotu mūsu pakalpojumu, Tomēr mums ir dažādi rezultāti ar šo, tādēļ, ja Jums ir jebkādas problēmas piekļūt šajā lapā, lūdzu, paziņojiet mums.
Pēdējā darba kārtības, alfa versija mūsu spraudnis blogger ir par darbiem, ja jums ir mājas lapā blogger un vēlaties pievienot tulkojumu, kas tai, vienkārši sazināties ar mums.
Do you know when the url translation will be available ? I love the product but my concern is the duplicate content by google .
You can see when every feature is planned here: http://trac.transposh.org/report/3
If you don’t see said feature, feel free to create a ticket which will be assigned, be as detailed as possible
When is it possible to translate from other languages into the default?
Always, when that part is wrapped in a lang=”xx” birka
It does not work for my website. ?lang = en is the default language. In other languages, words and sentences can not be translated into the default. Arī, it does not work well on this page. Site uses the abbreviations of languages /en/ and others.
It works for all sites, you are talking about a url param, I am talking about an attribute of a tag (such as span, or div)
See this post: http://transposh.org/version-0-5-2-improved-lang-attribute-support/
There is a paragraph there written in Hebrew which gets translated to English on the default language
When I enable default language translation then nothing happens when I check the checkbox for translation. Does that work ?
Paldies !
Hello Janar,
Translation of the default language only works where there are html elements marked with a different language than the default one, what is the point in translating English to English? Tomēr – if a user leaves a comment in Spanish, it is marked as such, and when enable default language translation is enabled it will enable the translation of said comment to English.
I hope this clears this issue a bit
Thanks for answering.
I’m running website in Estonian and added wp-o-matic that does automatic content from RSS feed. These posts that it adds are in English. So now I have duplicate content as both the default and EN languages are the same.
I wanted to translate the default language from English to Estonian so I will don’t have problems with duplicate content. Maybe you have ideas how not to let google crawl posts that are not /en/ in certain categories ?
Paldies. I love the plugin.
Hello Janar,
You can add a meta key “tp_language” and set its value to “en” this should solve your problems
Lai jums veicas
Paldies. It solved duplicate content issue. But the translation that Google gives just doesn’t go with the quality I want to provide.
Now I’m wondering if I can display these posts for only /en/ language ?
Another solution would be to translate them by hand but is there an option to translate it into default language at once and not by phrases ?
Paldies !
I wanted to report back that I might have found a solution. Using Redirection plugin I can redirect my default language post that is in english to /en/ version of it.
If you have any thought why it could might now be advisable on SEO side then please let me know.
About translation I would still ask that if it’s possible to translate the whole article at once without doing it by phrases ?
Paldies! And great work !
Hello Janar,
Any solution you choose that works for you is great, you might want to share with others what you did and why, and I’ll be happy to make a guest post in here.
Regarding full article translation, I have eased the working with phrases issue to be soon released at 0.7 (see the basics working here), the working full paragraph thing is tricky, and might lead to defacements, tomēr – you may change the breaking code in parser.php to suit your needs.
To get rid of my duplicated content problem when inserting a post in my second language I used http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/redirection/ Redirection plugin. I redirected the urls with default language domain.com/date/title to domain.com/en/date/title.
I just noticed that I have RSS links with default language code. Feed displays urls with et tag: et/date/title. I have disabled default language translation. Do you know if this is normal ?
I see. It could be tricky as I know that Google is doing translation by phrases on it’s own.
Paldies ! Sorry for all those questions 🙂
RSS works fine now.
I changed parser.php to give more chars to be translated.
Changed the beginnin of line 272 to return (strpos("?{}!|;’ . TP_GTXT_BRK
and before that added 600 to $char variables. It seems to work fine, although my previous translations were deleted. I see why it’s not that easy now. People don’t want to lose their translated content..
there is a feature I wish you can provide soon. in wordpress admin panel when I attempt to click on the button translate all it start to translate posts everytime from the start (it insist on checking all posts from newer to older) this process take long time searching for untranslated posts.
if you could make the script store the position of the translate all attempt if the same setting doesn’t changed, that would be much easier and faster
When a post is translated, it will take much less time to pass it in the translate all, which is not intended for every day use, the resume you suggest will be a little tricky to implement although possible,
If you want this to happen, the trac site is your friend at trac.transposh.org
My english is not so good…
I have installed transposh in WP 3.04 and receive the following announcement:
Fatally error: No atmiņas (piešķirti 32243712) (centās piešķirt 77,824 baiti) in/homepages/39/d247477599/htdocs/wordpress/wp includes/class simplepie.php on line 14908
What now?
You need to increase your php memory limit.
Lai jums veicas
Danke für Info, aber leider lässt mein Provider das nicht zu :o(. Ich habe eine Lösung gefunden. Alle “großen” Plugin deaktivieren, transposh installieren und konfigurieren. Danach alles aktivieren.
Danke für die schnelle Hilfe.
It looks like Esperanto displays the USA flag in the widget. Have a look: http://www.apex-foundation.org/
There are two US flags. One in the upper left corner, correctly indicating English. And another, in the lower right corner, which displays Esperanto on mouse over.
The w3tc css minifier didn’t take in the new css, so make sure it clears its css cache and everything will work with regards to the flag)
Lai jums veicas
You’re great! Paldies!