Laikā strādā pie jaunas iespējas transposh, mēs esam stumbled uz jautājumu, ko mēs varētu noteikt. Jautājums bija, ka daudzi roboti skenēšanas šo vietni skenētas lapas ar parametru “replytocom” kas ir diezgan bezjēdzīgi. Acīmredzot – Šajā bezjēdzīgi parametrs ir radījis vairāk nekā 2GB satiksmes šajā vietā pēdējās 9 mēnešiem.
Mēs esam veikusi brīvības iegūt dažas rindiņas kodu, un izveidot spraudnis, kas nosaka šī. Tagad pieejams the wordpress plugin directory.
Neliels skaļas frāzes par WordPress lapu, jo balsot par plugins ir anonīma, spraudnis ir balsojis pa kādam, kuras mums nav veids, kā zināt, kas viņš (vai viņa) is. Ne ar kādu iemeslu dēļ mēs varam domāt par (Galu galā, bezmaksas spraudnis, noteikt īpašu problēmu, bez nodomiem, kas tikko darbi). Ja mēs likts mūsu rokās viņam…. 🙂
Can anyone explain in bit detail about parameter “replytocom” and how they are created in our blogs?
Just look at the reply buttons below the comments, the link is there, used for javascriptless clients
Thanks mate for the clarification. I installed it on my blog. Hope it reduces some CPU load atleast some.
In a test I have done now, this param was ~10% of the site requests (much more than I have ever imagined) so expect some improvement, but this won’t double the cpu speed (or really save little bunnies)
Io lo so da quando google mi ha dato oltre 200 errori per sti cosi, nelle ricerche su google appaiono come risultati anche questi e se clicchi ti da errore 404, cosi perdo utenti.
Con questo plugin però non sono spariti tutti i replytocom, non c’è un modo per togliere sto coso del tutto?
The plugin can not immediately eliminate this from google, but over time the search engines will forget those pages, If your users get 404, you can redirect them too (and not just the bots) with a bit of fiddling with the plugin code
Lai jums veicas
Ma sei italiano? Mi è arrivata l’email in inglese, come alcuni risultati sono rimasti nelle ricerche, cosa fa il plugin? non dovrebbe fare il redirect all’articolo?