Ova nova verzija stavlja naglasak na ispravljanje RSS XML sadržaji. Postavke kao što GUID i jezik se sada pravilno postavljena. Ja bih se zahvaliti Kevin Hart za njegovu pomoć i pomoć u onim pitanjima čavlima. Ostala poboljšanja su napravljene na parser koji će ukloniti neke suvišne fraze od toga da bude preveden (kao što su [….]).
Kao uvijek – Vidi u potpunosti zapisnik promjena.
Thank you for this translator plug in. I looked at 36 pages of translator plug ins and this is the one I chose for all 18 of my wordpress blogs.
Strašan čep. Thank you for creating it. Imam 1 issue though (vidjeti http://www.latvijaskeramika.lv/en) – the plugin does not translate page titles (those in the top blue bar in internet explorer and in Google search results. I thought it was related to All in one SEO plugin, disabled it but still the same. Tried latest version 0.3.7- the same. I see titles translated in this page. What could be the problem?
Pozdrav tamo
Titles are hidden elements in html, so in order that they will be translated their phrases need to be pre-translated, the easiest way to do this is to repeat the title somewhere inside the page