Hello everybody,
Just wanted to do a quick writeup about what features are planned for the coming year:
- Backend string editor – this feature is about 80% complete by now, it allows you to see strings inserted to the database and perform some actions on those. Things that are now very hard such as removing all translations from a single translator will become a snap. This feature is expected for release in a few weeks.
- Support for widgets in uploads directory – custom widget writers have been complaining (and rightly so) about the fact that upgrading forces a reinstall of the widgets. The basic idea will be to allow some files to stay there and avoid that hassle. This might also open up the option of a downloadable widget directory which will allow us to give more choice of widgets without inflating the plugin file size.
- Frontend string editor – this will create some interface to the strings on the page, that while not being “wysiwyg” will allow some better workflow, mainly with regards to editing meta strings and other hidden strings, with some luck, ajax translations will also be editable after this upgrade. This one will take a few months to come.
- Numeral system support – this feature will automatically translate numbers from the European numeral system to Arabic and Hindi systems (and maybe vice-versa). Not a critical feature but a nice feature coming soon to a parser near you.
- WP Menu integration – not very keen on actually doing this, might happen, might not.
Any comments and ideas will be welcomed below, if they make sense we’ll add them to our workplan. If you really wish to promote a feature you may sponsor the coding, contact us via the form.
Happy new year!
Thank You very much for your hard work and for your GREAT Plugin!
I wish you a greater productivity in this New 2015 Year!
And I think most of all will agree with me, would like to see oftener updates 😉
Thanks again, and waiting for this awesome features!
Keep up the great work, man! So glad I found Transposh and will continue to support you however I can. BRAVO!
This is the first time I see your plugin – I must give jer, it is quite cunningly! I have worked as a translator for many years, and here am I working on – will try to give my contribution by improving the Danish translations of the page!