This version includes a relatively large set of small changes, since 0.6.0 was a major release it was quite certain that there would be a few points that will need some ironing, and lots of options to improve the software, bit by bit.
Let’s start with the new stuff!
If you are writing a blog in a few languages, or have writers that prefer writing in one language and others preferring others, it is now possible to mark a complete post as using a different language (We originally thought to write this post in a different language, but decides against it). Marking a post is now done by adding the custom field of tp_language
and set it to the language value. Take note that older themes might not be very fund of this and might need to be fixed.
Another feature is the ability to clean-up old automated translations from your database, either completely, or those older than two weeks (ever wanted to comply with google translation caching terms? now you can), This is done in a smart way, where human translations are not deleted, and also automated translations that were replaced by human translations are kept in the translation log for reference. User discretion is advised when using this, and a backup is never a bad idea.
A large change in the code was done to minimize collisions with other plugins, as now all functions and constants migrated into static classes, this type of problems were reported with a few plugins, and should be ok now.
We want to thank Jason, revonorway, Terence, Martin and anyone else who was involved with their help debugging and testing this release.
Now to the list of other changes:
- Fixed typo in buddypress stream
- Allow parser processing of nested lang tags
- Treat the
tag as hidden, fixes bug with buddypress - Fixes to translation regression with non latin characters
- Fixes to mass translate with bing translator for Chinese and Taiwanese
- Shortened copyright notice in source files, and made it a bit more informative
Umaasa kami na magiging masaya ang version na ito, if you do and if you don’t, just let us know about it!
When will be option to automatically improve titles of translated posts?
Availability of this option will help to eliminate problem of title duplicating
The option to do this is available today, just print the current language at your title.
Thank You for that 🙂
I dont know, for me is dont working in title. It is not printing. I use echo and print functions, but above is not working. How correct to print this variable?
Can somebody answer on my question?
I sent you a direct email, please try to contact me there
thanks for feature deleted old database caching, great feature for my blog with thousand translated page.
Hey man! You’re a genius! It’s now working in BP when I enter a status update in French, it is translated back to English! You have made my life complete…hehe.
Salamat para sa iyong trabaho!
Getting this error while trying to access feeds.
Warning: require_once(wp/transposh_3rdparty.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/avinasht/public_html/wp-content/plugins/transposh/transposh.php on line 42
Malubhang mali: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘wp/transposh_3rdparty.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/avinasht/public_html/wp-content/plugins/transposh/transposh.php on line 42
Must ask – is the file there?
yes the file is there.
btw, i changed the plugin folder name to just transposh while activating…does that make a diff?
Una, walang – does not matter, I use the same directory name, second, seems like it is working on your site (although redirecting to feedburner), what am I missing?
just few secs ago, i deactivated and activated tranposh again. I changed the folder name too to default. After that it worked.
I will get back to you if the problem is repeated. May be when I write a new post, i can confirm if all is working. For time being, feed is working.
I use WordPress Download Monitor plugin, translation does not work after the download.
Halimbawa: http://www.mallwp.com/buy/London+Creative
http://www.mallwp.com/zh/buy/London+Creative (not work)
Many plugins use creative ways to change URLs after they are executed, ilang (such as buddypress) provide hooks that I can easily integrate with, and some require harder work, unfortunately in the last couple of weeks I have been busy with adding some new bugs (oops, meant features) to the system and was yet unable to look at your situation. If anyone else can help, I would appreciate it, but anyhow – your best course of action is to create a bug in our trac site (http://trac.transposh.org)
Sorry I wasn’t too helpful this time
I use Transposh on my main blog and it works great. But I just tried to install it on a second, new blog (WordPress v. 3.0.1) and I keep getting an error telling me that the plugin doesn’t have a header when I try to activate it. I have deleted and re-installed the plugin a couple of times, always with the same results.
Any suggestions?
This problem will be solved in the 0.6.3 bersyon (coming soon) Ngunit sa ngayon, after installing just activate it manually from the plugins page
Michael, if you just ignore the message and press back on your browser and then click on plugins you will see Transposh installed.
I think if would be a good idea to put a header on the plugin as this warning message on wordpress may confuse many people.
One question I have is does the url translation support .html at the end?
Thanks for a great plugin…
Regarding the .html, I think it does, had issues in the past which were hopefully solved.
Hi may, Just wanted to say keep up the great work. I find this plugin really useful and it even helps me improve my Spanish.
The only major request I would have would be to allow me to edit the punctuation within my posts when I am making edits to the translations. This becomes especially important when we want to use professional translators for some of our client website pages. As it currently stands we are stuck with a fair amount of superfluous punctuation.
Anyway thanks again. As we use this on client sites which don’t use advertising would like to make a donation as we can’t really have your logo on their sites so are removing the link. Let me know how to go about this.
Hi Justin,
What you are requesting with the punctuation is a long time work in progress, I hope to have better news on this in the future.
Regarding client sites that don’t have advertising and want to remove the logo, feel free to do that, Regarding donations, I might change this policy in the future, Ngunit sa ngayon, feel free to donate to any charity of your choice, and create a small good wibe which might end up here 😉
Im using seo plugin how could I change title as translated one? I couldnt do it : (
Please help me thanks..
Transposh aims to translate titles as well, which plugin are you using and can you give an example?
Im using platinium seo, you could see at my website,titles are still english , maybe I did something wrong?